2014 | |
Energy | |
ESF, Coopkracht |
Since the very beginning, CORE has been working on the COOPkot project in which various projects are being developed around sustainable housing. In the first half of 2014, for example, a blueprint was written for a student housing cooperative.
With the support of ESF research was conducted into the financial and legal structure needed to establish a cooperative of students and owners of student homes. For this purpose, a technical tool was also developed that indicates the payback time of various renovations based on various parameters, such as renovation subsidies and the current state of the house. In this way, the housing cooperative can easily investigate which renovations are financially feasible and use them to increase the resident's comfort and thus contribute to sustainable housing in student towns.
CORE drew up a blueprint for student housing cooperatives. The blueprint focuses on promoting the interests of both owners and residents. Sustainability was used in the broadest sense of the word; ecologically, financially and legally, how the comfort of both parties could be increased.
The result of this project was delivered at the beginning of 2014 and was published in the book 'Bouwstenen voor Coöperatief ondernemen in Vlaanderen' by CoopyPaste. The reference work was well received by experts and earned CORE the ESF label of quality.